List of Ocean Animals (120+ Animals)

List of Ocean Animals
Earth’s oceans are filled with animal life often including animals most of us aren’t aware of or quickly forget. This is a list of animals commonly found in oceans.

Sr. No. Category Ocean Animals
1 Mammal Dolphin
2 Fish Clownfish
3 Reptile Sea Turtle
4 Invertebrate Octopus
5 Mammal Blue Whale
6 Fish Great White Shark
7 Invertebrate Jellyfish
8 Reptile Sea Snake
9 Mammal Manatee
10 Fish Angelfish
11 Invertebrate Giant Squid
12 Mammal Orca (Killer Whale)
13 Fish Clown Triggerfish
14 Invertebrate Sea Star (Starfish)
15 Reptile Leatherback Sea Turtle
16 Fish Hammerhead Shark
17 Mammal Humpback Whale
18 Invertebrate Coral
19 Fish Seahorse
20 Mammal Seal
21 Fish Tuna
22 Invertebrate Lobster
23 Mammal Polar Bear
24 Fish Clown Wrasse
25 Invertebrate Sea Anemone
26 Reptile Green Sea Turtle
27 Fish Lionfish
28 Mammal Dugong
29 Invertebrate Hermit Crab
30 Fish Barracuda
31 Mammal Narwhal
32 Invertebrate Cuttlefish
33 Fish Guppy
34 Mammal Walrus
35 Invertebrate Portuguese Man o’ War
36 Fish Swordfish
37 Mammal Sea Otter
38 Invertebrate Sea Urchin
39 Fish Moray Eel
40 Mammal Beluga Whale
41 Fish Pufferfish
42 Invertebrate Nautilus
43 Mammal Porpoise
44 Fish Triggerfish
45 Invertebrate Sea Cucumber
46 Mammal Gray Seal
47 Fish Clown Loach
48 Invertebrate Krill
49 Mammal Bottlenose Dolphin
50 Fish Wahoo
51 Invertebrate Coral Polyp
52 Mammal Sperm Whale
53 Fish Parrotfish
54 Invertebrate Mantis Shrimp
55 Mammal Sea Lion
56 Fish Grouper
57 Invertebrate Sea Slug
58 Mammal Minke Whale
59 Fish Flounder
60 Invertebrate Fire Coral
61 Fish Hogfish
62 Invertebrate Sea Fan
63 Mammal Gray Whale
64 Fish Mahi-Mahi
65 Invertebrate Brittle Star
66 Mammal Harbor Seal
67 Fish Salmon
68 Invertebrate Anemone Crab
69 Mammal Irrawaddy Dolphin
70 Fish Tilefish
71 Invertebrate Sea Sponge
72 Mammal Risso’s Dolphin
73 Fish Batfish
74 Invertebrate Comb Jelly
75 Mammal Fin Whale
76 Fish Hogchoker
77 Invertebrate Sea Worm
78 Mammal Pygmy Sperm Whale
79 Fish Yellowtail Snapper
80 Invertebrate Sea Pen
81 Fish Queen Angelfish
82 Invertebrate Sea Plume
83 Mammal Amazon River Dolphin
84 Fish Goliath Grouper
85 Invertebrate Sea Spider
86 Mammal Bryde’s Whale
87 Fish Triggerfish
88 Invertebrate Sea Lice
89 Mammal Irrawaddy Dolphin
90 Fish Halibut
91 Invertebrate Sea Fan
92 Mammal Spinner Dolphin
93 Fish Parrotfish
94 Invertebrate Sea Slug
95 Mammal Sperm Whale
96 Fish Yellowfin Tuna
97 Invertebrate Anemone Crab
98 Mammal Gray Whale
99 Fish Clownfish
100 Invertebrate Jellyfish
101 Fish Lionfish
102 Invertebrate Sea Cucumber
103 Mammal Polar Bear
104 Fish Clown Wrasse
105 Invertebrate Nautilus
106 Mammal Porpoise
107 Fish Dory (Blue Tang)
108 Invertebrate Krill
109 Mammal Bottlenose Dolphin
110 Fish Wahoo
111 Invertebrate Coral Polyp
112 Mammal Humpback Whale
113 Fish Parrotfish
114 Invertebrate Mantis Shrimp
115 Mammal Sea Lion
116 Fish Grouper
117 Invertebrate Sea Urchin
118 Mammal Minke Whale
119 Fish Flounder
120 Invertebrate Fire Coral


10 thoughts on “List of Ocean Animals (120+ Animals)

  1. This was okay, but it didn’t help… Can’t you put more on it? I was looking for ideas and there just isn’t enough here. Otters, hermit crabs, cat fish, flounders, et cetra.

  2. Hi!!!!! I was required to do complete and turn in a project about the sea and what was in the ocean and this website was a HUGE HELP!


  3. I think this is good but if you could include other organisms like algae or something like that, maybe more decomposer that would be great! But thanks anyways this site was helpful!

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