11 Reasons Why Boxers Are The Worst Dogs (Must Know)

11 must know reasons why boxers are the worst dogs

why boxers are the worst dogs

Do you want to know why boxers are the worst dogs?

Would a boxer be the perfect pet for your family?

This breed is known to have an active and loving personality, but they can present some difficulties regarding care. If you’re not ready to take on extra responsibility when looking after one, then maybe this type of dog isn’t right for you.

Here’s why boxers may not be ideal pets: aggression, vocalization, anxiety and depression issues, stubbornness, which makes training them difficult, as well as jumping up at people out of fear or hyperactivity that has difficulty calming down.

All things considered, though there are still plenty of wonderful qualities about these dogs so if you do end up choosing one make sure you familiarize yourself with their temperament first to provide better care!

1. They Aggressive Nature of Boxers

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Boxers are famously known for their aggressive looks, which can intimidate those who don’t know much about this breed.

That said, boxers aren’t naturally aggressive dogs – it’s only if they haven’t been properly socialized or trained since they were young that such behaviors arise.

On top of that, these pups have tons of energy running through them; when not managed well, it could result in outbursts of aggression due to stress from certain situations or people.

Furthermore, because of all the enthusiasm and excitement within them comes an inevitable consequence – barking!

This can get quite loud at times, especially when living in apartment buildings where noise control is essential; allowing unchecked barks may lead to conflicts with other neighbors as a result.

Also Read – 7 reasons why poodles are the worst

2. Boxers are extra Loud an Disrupt Peace

Boxers are notorious for being one of the loudest breeds among the dogs.

This doesn’t just mean they bark a lot and howl all night; it can also be very disruptive to your neighbors — not to mention yourself if you’re living in an apartment or other densely populated area.

But there’s more that comes with owning a Boxer, like needing lots of exercise, having high energy levels, expensive maintenance costs, and health issues you need to look out for.

All these factors must be considered before opting for such a breed – this isn’t some game!

If patience isn’t your strong suit, or you have difficulty with loud noises, having a boxer as a pet may not be the best option.

Their barking and howling habits can easily become an issue between yourself and your neighbours, plus all that noise pollution in your home environment could cause some anxiety or depression due to constant irritation.

All of this is something worth avoiding!

In addition to being too noisy, another explanation why boxers may not be the perfect pet is because they can sometimes be quite stubborn when you’re trying to train or discipline them,

making it hard for owners who don’t have much experience in this area and are also short on time.

3. Anxiety Issues in Boxers

anxiety in boxers

Boxers are renowned for their high energy and athletic ability; however, unfortunately, they can also be prone to having anxiety or depression-related issues, which make them a challenging breed of pet.

Anxiety in boxers may appear as excessive barking, destruction of furniture and other items around the home, trying to escape from indoors or outdoors area boundaries that have been set up by an owner.

constantly pacing back and forth within a room environment plus being very possessive over people who live with them – making it hard sometimes for visitors entering the dwelling.

Have you ever seen this kind of behaviour? It’s not easy at all! Plus, there is another aspect: Boxer dogs usually demonstrate a strong prey drive (they love chasing after small animals);

some health problems related directly to this particular canine group – such as hip dysplasia – along with requiring constant attention due to their sheer amount of energy levels;

these features add further costs when taking care properly about one boxer pooch – so if you’re planning on getting one knows beforehand what will involve!

Anxiety can be a real burden on pet owners.

Sadly, if it’s not managed properly, it could cause behavioral issues down the line. One way to assist boxers in managing their anxiety is giving them plenty of exercise options throughout the day – this will help reduce unwanted energy build-up;

however, that may not solve underlying causes based on things like genetics or environmental stressors – such as loud sounds and changes in daily routine.

Is your boxer showing signs of anxiousness?

It might be worth looking into why so you can find solutions for it!

  • If you see your boxer is excessively anxious, it’s important to take him/her for regular vet visits. This will help rule out potential medical issues.
  • If the vet finds nothing wrong medically, then professional assistance from a behaviourist may be needed; this person specializes in canine anxiety disorders and behaviour modification techniques, such as desensitization therapy that could possibly reduce fear-based behaviours over time.
  • Plus, positive reinforcement when exhibiting desired behaviours can encourage following commands while also calming down the home environment.
  • All of these efforts should ultimately lessen any existing levels of anxiety within your pet’s daily life!

4. Stubbornness of Boxers

When it comes to boxers, they certainly have an unmistakable charm.

It’s no wonder why these pups are so popular!

But what many people don’t realize is that owning a boxer can be quite challenging.

Boxers are notoriously stubborn, and this often makes training them very difficult – not to mention expensive if you hire professionals.

Furthermore, their natural energy levels can make it hard for owners, too, since most of the time, their high activity leads to destructive tendencies such as digging or tearing up furniture; unfortunately, all of these behaviors require large amounts of effort and money to maintain properly !

Boxers have an inclination towards strong opinions on most matters, and they can easily turn to destructive behavior if their attempts at control or discipline aren’t accepted.

It is hard training this breed due to their stubbornness as, in case of different commands being issued each time, the dog may get confused and angry, leading them to disobey more often.

Training a boxer requires patience because it usually takes longer than other breeds, but once taught something, that particular knowledge stays with them for good!

Taking into consideration how unreliable boxers are when it comes to learning new things (notwithstanding even holding onto old ones),

owners must adopt a consistent approach during the course of training,

which encourages healthy understanding between both parties instead of making naive errors like giving conflicting instructions over & over again!

5. Hard to Train Boxers

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As you know, Boxers are super energetic and curious dogs!

However, that excitement can make it a bit tricky to train them.

Imagine you’re trying to teach them something cool, but they keep looking at everything else around them because they’re so curious.

This can make people who are new to training, like beginners, feel a bit frustrated because it seems like the dog isn’t paying attention.

Boxers are known for their hunting abilities from the ages and their natural instinct makes them tough to train.

they are unlike other dogs which could be easily trained.

They love to have fun and sometimes, when it’s time for training, they might think, “Wait, playing is more fun than this!” So, they might want to play instead of doing the training exercises.

So, teaching Boxers is really tough and need a extra patience and some clever tricks to keep their attention and make learning fun for them too!

 6. The Frightening Behavior of Boxers who likes to Jumping on People

A thing to be aware of with boxers is that they can have an issue jumping up on people – and this could prove hazardous if the person being jumped upon is either a child or elderly.

Boxers are widely known for their exuberance and voracious stimulation demands from owners.

That’s why it is so important to train them when they are young not to jump on people, as this could lead to an accident or even injury, which can be prevented with proper training and socialization during early development stages in life.

It just takes a little effort by the owner, but that pays off greatly in terms of safety; you wouldn’t want your pup accidentally hurting someone!

Unfortunately, due to their high energy levels and enthusiasm for humans,

it can be difficult for even experienced dog owners to train boxers not to jump up on strangers or family members when they get overly excited or want attention.

However, with patience and consistency, this behaviour can be curbed using proper training techniques, such as rewarding calm behaviour instead of jumping up with treats or praise.

If your boxer has already established this habit of jumping up on people, then there are several methods you may use, like turning away from him if he jumps while saying “off” and at the same time pushing him away gently;

however, in order for these approaches work better positive reinforcement which will teach the pup that being calmly is rewarded whereas leaping isn’t should become a part of his daily routine.

One of the great tutorial I found on YouTube about training boxer jumping on people is given below.

7. Hyperactivity in Boxers: Hard to Calm Down

It’s no secret that boxers can be a handful; they’re extremely energetic and have difficulty staying focused.

If a boxer isn’t given enough exercise, they won’t tire themselves out, which makes them difficult to manage as well as expensive to take care of. Not only do they need regular walks every day,

but they also require plenty of playtime with their owners or else lacking in these activities may lead the dog into all sorts of mischief!

While some might not like living with such active animals due to small children at home, for instance, others who are patient and consistent when it comes to disciplining may find having one really rewarding.

For boxers, controlling their behaviour can be a real challenge.

They usually have high energy levels, and instinctively, they tend to jump on people or act out whenever they want attention from either their owners or other people around them. 

Have you ever seen an overly energetic boxer trying hard not to lose control?

It looks hilarious but, at the same time, difficult since they’ve got so much energy in reserve!

It is essential for owners to recognize the signs that their pup may have discomfort, as well as learn how to respond best in order to help tranquilize them before it gets out of control.

Developing an appropriate routine that includes regular exercise and providing plenty of mental stimulation through activities such as puzzle toys and interactive playtime with other dogs/people (if your boxer has been socialized) are all good solutions.

To make things even better, using positive reinforcement techniques like clicker training will teach your pooch better behaviors while also building trust between you two – this eventually leads towards more efficient communication amongst both parties!

With patience and understanding comes great rewards; taking precautionary steps now will ensure lasting peace within your pet family later down the line!

8. Boxers are prone to disease

When it comes to Boxers, they may be one of the most beloved dog breeds in America due to their size and strength. However, these big dogs come with some health concerns that need proper care and attention.

Common medical issues for a boxer include hip dysplasia, heart disease, joint problems as well as skin allergies – all things which can lead to serious consequences if not tended to right away.

  • Hip dysplasia is a condition where the hip joint doesn’t fit properly into the pelvic socket, resulting in pain and arthritis.
  • Heart disease can also affect Boxers due to abnormal heart valves or thickening of their heart muscle walls, which, left untreated, could lead to congestive heart failure.
  • Joint issues such as elbow dysplasia and luxating patellas can cause lameness in these dogs – requiring surgery for resolution.
  • Skin allergies are fairly common among boxers, too, since their short coats leave them vulnerable to environmental allergens like pollen or grasses;
  • this often requires anti-allergy medications for managing itching and other discomforts caused by these allergens on their skin.

It’s important that owners know about all potential medical problems so they’re better prepared if faced with one down the line!

9. High Maintenance and need Expensive Care

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When it comes to owning a Boxer, there’s no doubt that they need lots of attention from their owners.

Grooming and exercise are key factors in boxing care – brushing sessions should be carried out regularly, with professional grooming taking place every few months or so to maintain the coat’s quality.

Boxers need daily exercise to stay fit and active – both physical activities like running around the block, agility courses or basic obedience commands, as well as mental stimulation.

It’s important for them to get these regular workouts if they’re going to lead a healthy life.

They can also have medical issues that require annual check-ups from your vet, which adds up in terms of expenses along with other costs associated with owning this breed.

All taken into account, it’s no surprise boxers are rated highly on our list of why they may not be perfect pets for everyone!

10. Don’t like other dogs or animals around

Boxers are dogs that usually do not like being around other dogs.

As they feel a bit careful or unsure when they meet dogs they don’t know. and when they meet new dog its not good scene. they bark and are very loud. sometimes even get aggressive and this can throw owner into the awkward situation and embarrassment.

This way of acting come from a long time ago when Boxers were used as guard dogs and for hunting. They had to be really watchful and strong in their job.

Boxers are naturally protective of their families and the places they live.

That’s why they could be a little cautious around other dogs – they think it’s their job to keep their home safe.

When Boxers spend time with other dogs and have good experiences, they can learn to be better around them. This helps them be less worried and feel more comfortable.

But not every Boxer acts the same way. Some might not have any problems being around other dogs at all.

It depends on things like their family history, how they were raised, and the things they’ve been through.

If we understand and accept that Boxers might not always want to be around other dogs, we can have a better time with them.

Both the Boxer and the person taking care of them can be really happy together.

11. Boxers always want to go out and play

boxers want to go out and play

Boxers thrive on physical exercise and mental stimulation, and outdoor playtime is an ideal way for them to release pent-up energy, prevent boredom, and maintain their overall well-being.

However, this can be very tiresome to the Boxer owner who might want to rest for sometime coming from tough day. If you are a busy person, Boxer is not for you as it requires your time and constant need of going out with you.

In a Nutshell,

owning a Boxer is no picnic. They can be quite aggressive and loud, which might not be the most ideal for people who don’t like to stand their ground against dogs.

Not only that, but they are prone to anxiety and depression as well as being pretty stubborn during training sessions, something worth considering if you’re looking forward to taking one home!

Another thing about them is their tendency to jump on others – this could end up scaring off some individuals easily,

So just keep an eye out for it. Moreover, due to their hyperactivity levels, there’s really no way to calm them down once they get going – another factor worthy of consideration if you’re evaluating adopting or buying one yourself.

So basically, these pups may not exactly fit everyone’s needs since tending tends to require patience and dedication… Are you ready?



1. Why does my Boxer jump on people?
Boxers are energetic and may use jumping as a way to greet people. Training them with proper greetings can help.

2. How do I stop my Boxer from chewing everything?
Boxers, like other dogs, may chew due to boredom or teething. Providing suitable chew toys and exercise can minimize this behavior.

3. Why does my Boxer bark so much?
Boxers are known for being vocal. Training and positive reinforcement can help manage excessive barking.

4. Why does my Boxer playfully nip me?
Playful nipping is common in Boxers during play. Consistent training can guide them toward gentler play behavior.

5. How do I deal with my Boxer’s stubbornness?
Boxers can be strong-willed, occasionally showing stubbornness in training. Patient and consistent training methods work best.

6. Why does my Boxer get anxious when I’m away?
Separation anxiety can cause destructive behavior. Gradual alone-time exposure and crate training can ease their anxiety.

7. How can I prevent my Boxer from counter surfing?
Boxers’ curiosity might lead them to counters. Teaching “leave it” can discourage this behavior.

8. How do I stop my Boxer from pulling on the leash?
Due to their strength, Boxers may pull during walks. Leash training and proper equipment can make walks more enjoyable.

9. Why does my Boxer dig up the yard?
Boxers might dig due to boredom or instinct. Offering designated digging spots and interactive toys can redirect this behavior.

10. Why is my Boxer always seeking attention?
Boxers are social dogs and may seek attention when lonely. Providing mental stimulation and exercise can help reduce this behavior.