List of Poems of José Rizal (Updated 2023)

In this article let’s talk about List of Poems of José Rizal. José Protasio Rizal Mercado y Alonso Realonda is a celebrated national hero of the Philippines. Here we have curated List of Poems of José Rizal. He was a polymath who excelled in multiple fields of learning.

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He could essay the roles of a diarist, poet, novelist, and correspondent with equal proficiency and craft. What is even more fascinating is that not only was he a prolific writer, but also a true patriot who was a passionate advocator of reforms in the Philippines during the Spanish colonial era.

To commemorate this national hero’s contribution to society, the Filipinos celebrate Rizal’s death anniversary as a Philippine holiday aptly called, the Rizal Day. In 1896, after a military trial, Rizal was executed and it is believed that this martyr was the spur for the Philippine Revolution.

Rizal’s two famous novels include Noli me Tangere and El filibusterismo. Let us now, take a look at a list of his poems.

List of Poems of José Rizal (Poems of Rizal)

  • Sa Aking mga Kabata (written by Rizal at the age of 8, dealing with the theme of love for one’s language)
  • To the Virgin Mary
  • Education Gives Luster to the Motherland
  • To Josephine
  • To the Philippines Youth
  • Song of Maria Clara
  • A Poem that has No Title
  • Kundiman
  • Hymn to Labor
  • Memories of my Town
  • Our Mother Tongue
  • To the Philippines
  • Mi Ultimo Adios (My Last Goodbye – Last Poem of Rizal)
  • “Farewell, my adored Land, region of the sun caressed,
  • Pearl of the Orient Sea, our Eden lost,
  • With gladness I give you my Life, sad and repressed;
  • And were it more brilliant, more fresh and at its best,
  • I would still give it to you for your welfare at most.” – from Mi Ultimo Adios by José Rizal


Sr. No. Name of the Poem Short Description
1 “Mi Último Adiós” Farewell poem expressing love for the Philippines.
2 “Sa Aking Mga Kabata” Emphasis on education and native language pride.
3 “A La Juventud Filipina” Call to Filipino youth to embrace culture and progress.
4 “Himno Al Trabajo” Praises labor’s value and societal contribution.
5 “A Las Flores De Heidelberg” Reflects on home while in Heidelberg, Germany.
6 “Kundiman” Explores love and devotion to the homeland.
7 “A Las Mujeres” Tribute to women and their roles in society.
8 “To The Philippine Youth” Encourages youth to contribute to the nation.
9 “To the Virgin Mary” Devotional poem seeking the Virgin Mary’s intercession.
10 “In Memory of My Town” Nostalgic reflection on Rizal’s hometown.
11 “A Cada Caballero Español” Satirical critique of Spanish arrogance toward Filipinos.
12 “To the Philippines” Yearning for the nation’s liberation from oppression.
13 “Our Mother Tongue” Emphasizes the importance of preserving native language.
14 “To My Muse” Dedication to a muse or source of inspiration.
15 “A Poem That Has No Title” Metapoetic exploration of title-less poetry.
16 “Elevación” Contemplation on the fleeting nature of life.
17 “A Las Estrellas” Philosophical exploration of the universe’s mysteries.
18 “Me Piden Versos” Playful response to requests for poetry.
19 “A Un Abanico” Romantic poem addressed to a fan or accessory.
20 “Por La Educación Recibe Lustre la Patria” Emphasis on education’s role in the nation’s light.
21 “A Las Flores” Acknowledgment of the symbolism of flowers.
22 “El Canto Del Viajero” Captures the traveler’s spirit and excitement.
23 “A Las Profundas Cavernas” Metaphorical journey into the depths of the mind.
24 “¡Sálve!” A religious poem praising Mary.
25 “A La Virgen Maria” Tribute to the Virgin Mary.
26 “A La Señorita C.O. y R.” Tribute to a friend’s virtues and character.
27 “A España” Reflection on Spain’s colonization of the Philippines.
28 “Himno a Talisay” Hymn honoring the town of Talisay.
29 “A La Juventud Española” Address to Spanish youth advocating for reforms.
30 “A Rizal” Tribute poem by Fernando M. Guerrero.
31 “A Francisco Balagtas” A homage to the Filipino poet Francisco Balagtas.
32 “A La Agricultura” Praises the value of agriculture in society.
33 “Don Crisostomo Ibarra” Poem reflecting on the character from Noli Me Tangere.
34 “To the Rising Generation” Calls on the new generation to carry on the fight.
35 “A Lágrimas y Risas” Contrast between tears and laughter in life.
36 “A Villamor” Commemorates the death of Fr. Vicente García Villamor.
37 “Epistolario Rizalino” A collection of Rizal’s correspondence.


Exploring Rizal Poems:

José Rizal is one of the most illustrious Filipino figures from history. He was an intellectual, a doctor and a devoted nationalist who penned countless works about his deep-rooted love for his nation and its people; their poetic beauty and insightful depth earning admiration worldwide – some of the greatest Philippine literature crafted by none other than Rizal himself!

One such collection was that of poems which encapsulated all struggles endured – as well as hopes shared – amidst Spanish colonial rule. Have we now departed far enough along our path to truly appreciate these words? What courage they must have taken in order to write them…

Rizal’s poems are a staple in Philippine literature classes now, giving us an exclusive look into his viewpoints on life and the beliefs of Filipinos back then. Using traditional Tagalog or Spanish verse forms like korido and danza makes it easier to understand their message even today – centuries later! How incredible that after all this time these works still have such power…

The topics dealt with in these pieces span from loyalty to love to religion; however all are contemplating some way or another associated with the Philippine history amid colonization and its current status following autonomy from Spain in 1898.

Even though heaps of people find it difficult to admire poetry without knowing what it implies actually – particularly if one cannot speak Tagalog or Spanish – there is plentiful value simply through understanding the allegorical language employed by Rizal over every poem’s narrative curve.

By delving into each poetic creation such an eye towards representation rather than literal meaning alone, readers can gain valuable insight on how he regarded freedom from persecution throughout this period – both actual and figurative – while lauding his aptitude over vocabulary regardless of when was composed!

Delving into the Heart of Rizal Verse:

José Rizal is undoubtedly one of the greatest Filipino heroes, his artistry has truly helped shape Philippine culture. His talent for expressing himself through poetry was awe-inspiring – no wonder so many of his works have been adored for centuries! The sheer passion and feeling he put into every single verse was phenomenal, solidifying him as a powerhouse in Philippine literature… What an inspirational figure!

Rizal’s poems span a whole range of themes and moods, but all share an undeniable beauty and intricacy that really sets them apart. From the lovey-dovey to nature or even social topics with his distinctive take on it – no matter what they are about, Rizal’s verses often come across as a reflection of his personal emotions; making ’em both expressions for individual life experience, while being philosophical musings around society as a wider concept at the same time… Question is: how much did he reveal?

The motifs throughout Rizal’s writings range from love of one’s country to romance; he addressed both lost and found ardour, analysing how the interactions between people can have a bearing on more extensive communal matters such as racism or colonialism.

These themes are reflective not merely of his own individual experiences but also those shared by other Filipinos then – thereby demonstrating just how much José’s art has influenced our culture today. Rizal had an exclusive way with words which is palpable in every poem written by him – beginning with the rich illustrations up until utilising effective metaphors for presenting intricate ideas concisely- making these compositions wholly singular pieces literature!

His acute eye for elucidation made it potential to depict moments accurately whilst still relaying intense emotions through each line; this control over language generated a remarkable collection that will keep inspiring generations in years to come!

Appreciating the Depth and Beauty of José Verse in Philippine Literature

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José Rizal is a big deal in Philippine literature – his poems are some of the country’s greatest works. His writing served as an effective way to get across his feelings about freedom from Spain and colonised people’s struggles, never failing to be deep and thought-provoking! He touched on it all – love, death, faith, politics…nature…you name it.

Whilst he was an extraordinary novelist who wrote such classics as Noli Me Tángere (Touch Me Not) and El Filibusterismo (The Subversive), it is for his poetry that Rizal has gained renowned fame in Philippine literary circles.

His poetic prowess extends far beyond the 40 pieces of verse which are said to have been written during his lifetime; more poems unearthed since his death at the hands of Spanish colonial forces in 1896!

The main themes Rizal’s poem delves into are love of country and homesickness for childhood recollections – both potent notions that still have an impact in the Filipino culture today! How does one best express their ardour for national pride? What would we do to recapture those treasured remembrances from our past…? It seems like these ideas, which have been around since then, will continue to exist – just as relevant now as it was back then.

Some examples include “My Final Farewell” which talks about giving up one’s own life for their country; “To My Countrymen” which speaks of freedom from foreign control; “Sa Aking Mga Kababata” (To My Fellow Youth) that celebrates youthful vigor and enthusiasm; and “Mi Ultimo Adios” (My Last Farewell), a stirring call to arms against Spanish tyranny composed on the day prior to Rizal’s execution at Bagumbayan field in Manila Bay by firing squad on 30th December 1896. It was an impassioned plea, still inspiring even today – what incredible courage he must have had!

What’s more, apart from the works of José Rizal that were extensively printed during his lifetime, there are several other creations attributed to him such as “El Amor Patrio” (Love Of Country), “Makamisa” (A Mass To Make) and “Mi Retiro” (My Retirement).

Though these pieces may not be so renowned like the rest of them, they’re equally emotive; however their translation into English or any other language is somewhat elusive – making it even harder for people outside its original setting to savour its entirety.

Thus they remain dormant jewels waiting to be brought back life by new generations in pursuit of excellence emanating Philippine history books – something which Rizal would undoubtedly encourage with all his heart!

It’s crystal clear that José Rizal was a master of writing. His poetic works are some of the most celebrated in Philippine literature, and they continue to be an inspiration for many even now. He wrote about love, patriotism and justice – themes which have meant his poems stay evergreen classics! Whether you’re into poetry or not it’s surely worth taking a look at José Rizal’s work…

These words will always echo in the hearts of people who love their country. The poem also reflects on Rizal’s love for his country men. He is still remembered and revered for his courage, conviction and compassion.

He attempted to fight against tyranny with peace and hope and his martyrdom at the young age of 35 motivated Philippines to continue down the road of struggle.



  1. How many poems did Jose Rizal write?
    • Jose Rizal wrote more than 35 known poems during his lifetime.
  2. What is Jose Rizal’s most famous poem?
    • His most famous poem is “Mi Último Adiós” (My Last Farewell), written just before his execution.
  3. What themes did Rizal’s poems cover?
    • Rizal’s poems covered a wide range of themes including patriotism, love, freedom, social issues, and education.
  4. Did Rizal write his poems in Spanish or Filipino?
    • Rizal wrote his poems primarily in Spanish, which was the language of educated Filipinos during his time.
  5. What is the significance of “Mi Último Adiós”?
    • “Mi Último Adiós” is a poignant farewell poem that expressed Rizal’s love for his country and his desire for Filipinos to continue the fight for independence.
  6. Did Rizal’s poems contribute to the Philippine Revolution?
    • Yes, Rizal’s poems served as sources of inspiration for Filipinos during the revolution, urging them to unite against Spanish colonial rule.
  7. What is the meaning behind Rizal’s poem “Sa Aking Mga Kabata”?
    • “Sa Aking Mga Kabata” (To My Fellow Youth) emphasizes the importance of education and national pride among the Filipino youth.
  8. Were Rizal’s poems censored by the Spanish authorities?
    • Yes, some of Rizal’s poems were censored by Spanish authorities due to their subversive content that challenged colonial rule.
  9. Where can I read Jose Rizal’s poems today?
    • Many of Rizal’s poems are available in books, online collections, and historical archives.
  10. How do Rizal’s poems continue to influence Filipinos today?
    • Rizal’s poems remain symbols of patriotism and resilience, reminding Filipinos of their history and inspiring them to uphold their cultural identity and fight for a better future.
  11. Why did Rizal wrote the poem Mi Ultimo Adios?
    • Rizal wrote “Mi Último Adiós” as a farewell to his country before his execution and to inspire his fellow Filipinos to continue the fight for independence.
  12. Where did Rizal wrote his last poem?
    • Rizal wrote his last poem, “Mi Último Adiós,” while he was imprisoned at Fort Santiago in Manila, Philippines.
  13. What Jose Rizal said before he died?
    • Just before his execution, Jose Rizal said: “Consummatum est,” which means “It is finished”. This statement meant his acceptance of fate and his commitment to the cause he had been fighting for.

We hope that you loved this amazing list of Jose Rizal’s Poems, Do check out our amazing other lists as well

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